Statistics about Lebanon

I found this information on the internet, if you find inaccuracies, let me know please.

Statistical facts

  1. Lebanon has 18 religious communities
  2. It has 40 daily newspapers
  3. It has 42 universities
  4. It has over 100 banks (that is banks and not branches of a bank)
  5. 70% of the students are in private schools
  6. Many of the Lebanese people are Christians (The highest percent in all the Arab countries)
  7. There’s 1 doctor per 10 people in Lebanon (In Europe & America , there’s 1 doctor per 100 people)
  8. The name LEBANON appears 75 times in the Old Testament
  9. The name CEDAR ( Lebanon ‘s tree) appears 75 times too in the Old Testament!!
  10. Beirut was destroyed and rebuilt 9 times (this is why it’s compared to The Phoenix).
  11. There’s 3.5 Million Lebanese in Lebanon
  12. There’s around 15 Million Lebanese outside Lebanon !!!
Other interesting facts:
  1. Lebanon , the country, was occupied by over 16 countries:
    (Egyptians-Hittites-Assyrians- Babylonians- Persians- Alexander the greats Army- the Roman Empire Byzantine- the Arabian Peninsula-The Crusaders- the Ottoman Empire- Britain-France- Israel- Syria)
  2. Byblos (city in Lebanon ) is the oldest, continuously living city in the world.
  3. Lebanon ‘s name has been around for 4,000 yrs non- stop (it’s the oldest country/ nation’s name in the world!)
  4. Lebanon is the only Asian/African country that doesn’t have a desert.
  5. There are 15 rivers in Lebanon (all of them coming from its own mountains)
  6. Lebanon is one of the most populated countries in its archeological sites, in the world!!!
  7. The first alphabet was created in Byblos (city in Lebanon )
  8. The only remaining temple of Jupiter (the main Roman god) is in Baalbeck ,Lebanon (The City of the Sun)
  9. The name of BYBLOS comes from the BIBLE!!!
  10. Lebanon is the country that has the most books written about it.
  11. Lebanon is the only non-dictatorial country in the Arab world (Yes, we do have a President!)
  12. Jesus Christ made his 1st miracle in Lebanon , in Qana (The miracle of Turning water into wine).
  13. The Phoenicians (Original People of Lebanon) built the 1st boat, and they were the first to sail ever!
  14. Phoenicians also reached America long before Christopher Columbus did.
  15. The 1st law school in the world was built in Lebanon , in Downtown Beirut.
  16. People say that the cedars were planted by God’s own hands (This is why they’re called ‘The Cedars of God’, and this is why Lebanon is called ‘God’s Country on Earth.’

I love Lebanon ….. may God bless my homeland forever….

First trip to Lebanon
First time To Lebanon? The Untold tips and tricks

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All must fulfill their three debts

I was watching the Mahabharata and they spoke about the 3 kinds of debts that one has to fulfill in his/her lifetime: God’s debt, Sage’s debt, Ancestral debt.

All must fulfill their debts three,
God’s, Sage’s, Ancestral surely,
Before death and leaving body,
Else life itself is insulted sadly.
These debts not ordinary do be,
God’s debt – Lord Vishnu’s be,
Sage’s debt – Lord Shiv’s be,
Ancestral debt – Brahma’s be.
God’s debt by charity fulfilled be,
Sage’s by acquiring, giving be,
But of the knowledge definitely,
Ancestral debt by having progeny.

God’s debt can be fulfilled by doing charity work. I am not surprised by that. It is known in many esoteric circles that charity is a very important deed. The Bible and Masonic literature talk a lot about charity.

Sage’s debt can be fulfilled by learning, acquiring wisdom and imparting knowledge to others.

And it goes without saying that ancestral debt can be fulfilled by procreating and continuing our ancestral lineage. That is not to say that one should procreate mindlessly but instead procreate with high morality and spiritual standards. One has to bring children to the world so they help improve the world and not “pollute” the world and be like parasites.

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