Are you looking to switch away from Google Chrome because of privacy concerns?
In this blog post, I list a bunch of alternative browsers. Some you might have heard of, and some maybe you never heard of. Let’s get started!
Life is a Lab! To Learn, read. To understand, think. To know, write. To master, teach.
Are you looking to switch away from Google Chrome because of privacy concerns?
In this blog post, I list a bunch of alternative browsers. Some you might have heard of, and some maybe you never heard of. Let’s get started!
I bought myself the noise masking sleepbuds from BOSE to combat loisy upstairs neighbors who stomp all the time at night and early morning:
I tried them for two nights and I like the technology, unfortunately, I did not keep them because they were not comfortable for side sleepers.
The sleepbuds fit well in the ear and produce soothing music (you have a big selection from the phone app), however I found that any external speakers that can generate white noise can do the same effect.
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HTMLPen is the most advanced online Visual HTML Editor and Text Editor available.
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HTMLPen is also a powerful online Text Editor and Code Editor that can identify 144 different languages.
HTMLPen can recognize many languages, including:
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