Windows Event Providers are part of the Windows Event Log services. An event provider is usually registered with the event logging and tracing service, so it can publish application specific events to the event log.
Each event provider contain metadata information required to interpret these events and to display that information in readable strings.
To list all providers in the system, you may use the logman utility like this:
C:>logman query providers
.NET Common Language Runtime {E13C0D23-CCBC-4E12-931B-D9CC2EEE27E4}
ACPI Driver Trace Provider {DAB01D4D-2D48-477D-B1C3-DAAD0CE6F06B}
Active Directory Domain Services: SAM {8E598056-8993-11D2-819E-0000F875A064}
Active Directory: Kerberos Client {BBA3ADD2-C229-4CDB-AE2B-57EB6966B0C4}
Active Directory: NetLogon {F33959B4-DBEC-11D2-895B-00C04F79AB69}
ADODB.1 {04C8A86F-3369-12F8-4769-24E484A9E725}
ADOMD.1 {7EA56435-3F2F-3F63-A829-F0B35B5CAD41}
Application Popup {47BFA2B7-BD54-4FAC-B70B-29021084CA8F}
logman query providers
C:>logman query providers
Provider GUID
.NET Common Language Runtime {E13C0D23-CCBC-4E12-931B-D9CC2EEE27E4}
ACPI Driver Trace Provider {DAB01D4D-2D48-477D-B1C3-DAAD0CE6F06B}
Active Directory Domain Services: SAM {8E598056-8993-11D2-819E-0000F875A064}
Active Directory: Kerberos Client {BBA3ADD2-C229-4CDB-AE2B-57EB6966B0C4}
Active Directory: NetLogon {F33959B4-DBEC-11D2-895B-00C04F79AB69}
ADODB.1 {04C8A86F-3369-12F8-4769-24E484A9E725}
ADOMD.1 {7EA56435-3F2F-3F63-A829-F0B35B5CAD41}
Application Popup {47BFA2B7-BD54-4FAC-B70B-29021084CA8F}
logman query providers
C:>logman query providers
Provider GUID
.NET Common Language Runtime {E13C0D23-CCBC-4E12-931B-D9CC2EEE27E4}
ACPI Driver Trace Provider {DAB01D4D-2D48-477D-B1C3-DAAD0CE6F06B}
Active Directory Domain Services: SAM {8E598056-8993-11D2-819E-0000F875A064}
Active Directory: Kerberos Client {BBA3ADD2-C229-4CDB-AE2B-57EB6966B0C4}
Active Directory: NetLogon {F33959B4-DBEC-11D2-895B-00C04F79AB69}
ADODB.1 {04C8A86F-3369-12F8-4769-24E484A9E725}
ADOMD.1 {7EA56435-3F2F-3F63-A829-F0B35B5CAD41}
Application Popup {47BFA2B7-BD54-4FAC-B70B-29021084CA8F}
Each provider, in turn, has metadata containing fields such as: keywords, levels, tasks, opcodes and a message template. The article entitled “Getting Provider’s metadata” on MSDN describes how to use the Windows Events APIs to enumerate the provider’s metadata programmatically.
Enter WEPExplorer
Continue reading “Windows Events Providers Explorer”
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