In a previous article entitled How to get unlimited free Internet at Airports, I explained the concept behind getting free internet at airports and the concept behind the workaround.
In this blog post, I introduce a “one-click” solution to automate getting free internet at airports. This is very useful for those who don’t want to get their hands dirty!
Step 1 – Download and install
To get started, download the application from my GitHub repository here:
When you unzip the archive, you should have the following three files:
Run the “UnlimitedAirportInternet.exe” program to get started.
Step 2 – Get unlimited internet
If this was the first time you connect to the airport’s Wi-Fi, then you should have your free internet session for a while.
Each time you run out of free internet time, just press the “Give me more free internet” button.
You should receive an information message box when you do so. Follow the instruction as noted: Continue reading “Unlimited Internet at Airports – A free utility for Windows”