Dear American Women,
I am sorry you were born as females in the west. Because of the toxic culture you’ve been marinated in you will never fully appreciate just how fortunate you are to have been afforded the privileged lives you enjoy. None of this is your fault, of course. Whether you like it or not, third-wave feminism is to blame and it has quite literally stolen any chance you have for true happiness as a woman.
From an early age you will be told that you are princesses and deserve the best of everything simply because you were born with vaginas. There is some truth to this, but not for the reason you’ve been raised to believe.
You see, you could be princesses and eventually even someone’s queen worthy of the utmost respect. The truth is, you are more valuable than men from a reproductive standpoint. But before you pump your fists, those titles and the respect that comes with them are ones you must earn. This takes time, temperance, and discipline.