HTMLPen is the most advanced online Visual HTML Editor and Text Editor available.
Some HTML features are :
- Free Visual WYSIWYG Editor
- Instant Previews and JS Previews
- Advanced HTML, CSS and JS Color Coding and Code Completion.
- Embedded HTML, CSS and JavaScript Beautifier.
- Advanced Color Picker with Alpha Channel
- Embedded Image to Base64 Converter
- Respects your Privacy. No data ever leaves your computer
- Stores your open projects on browser LocalStorage so you can keep working on them later
HTMLPen is also a powerful online Text Editor and Code Editor that can identify 144 different languages.
- Syntax Highlighting
- Code Completion
- Can open Very Large (TB+) Files
- Regex Search and Count Functions
- Respects your Privacy. No data ever leaves your computer
HTMLPen can recognize many languages, including:
ABAP, ABC, ActionScript, ADA, Apache Conf, AsciiDoc, Assembly x86, AutoHotKey, BatchFile, Bro, C and C++, C#, C9 Search Results, Cirru, Clojure, Cobol, CoffeeScript, ColdFusion, Csound, Csound Document, Csound Score, CSS, Curly, D, Dart, Diff, Django, Dockerfile, Dot, Drools, Edifact, Eiffel, EJS, Elixir, Elm, Erlang, Forth, Fortran, FreeMarker, Gcode, Gherkin, Gitignore, Glsl, Go, Gobstones, GraphQLSchema, Groovy, HAML, Handlebars, Haskell, Haskell Cabal, haXe, Hjson, HTML, HTML (Elixir), HTML (Ruby), INI, Io, Jack, Jade, Java, JavaScript, JSON, JSONiq, JSP, JSSM, JSX, Julia, Kotlin, LaTeX, LESS, Liquid, Lisp, LiveScript, LogiQL, LSL, Lua, LuaPage, Lucene, Makefile, Markdown, Mask, MATLAB, Maze, MEL, MIXAL, MUSHCode, MySQL, Nix, Nix, NSIS, Objective-C, OCaml, Pascal, Perl, pgSQL, PHP, Pig, Powershell, Praat, Prolog, Properties, Protobuf, Python, R, Razor, RDoc, Red, RHTML, RST, Ruby, Rust, SASS, SCAD, Scala, Scheme, SCSS, SH, SJS, Smarty, snippets, Soy Template, Space, SQL, SQLServer, Stylus, SVG, Swift, Tcl, Tex, Textile, Toml, TSX, Twig, Typescript, Vala, VBScript, Velocity, Verilog, VHDL, Wollok, XML, XQuery, YAML
Made in sunny California.
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