Evernote: 7 easy steps to editing an Evernote note created by another program

If you used Evernote before with 3rd-party apps such as Livescribe’s SmartPens then you might have encountered the message:

This note was created in another application

To edit this note, open it in the app where it was created.

And because of that it is not possible to edit the note directly. Continue reading “Evernote: 7 easy steps to editing an Evernote note created by another program”

Evernote: Importing multiple (batch import) exported (ENEX) notes

If you used Evernote‘s graphical interface, you might have noticed that you can only import a single note at once. In this article I am going to show you how to import multiple notes at once into Evernote.

Evernote ships with a command line tool that is suitable for scripting (ENScript). By default, on Windows, it is installed in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript.exe

Open the command prompt and type: Continue reading “Evernote: Importing multiple (batch import) exported (ENEX) notes”

Compiler Explorer – An online tool to test compilers

The compiler explorer is a very handy tool for testing compiler behaviors and the generated assembly code online. It was created by Matt Godbolt (and others).

An instance of the compiler explorer is hosted here https://godbolt.org/.

You can also host it on your own if you wish. Grab its sources from GitHub.

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