Thought and Body relationship


I have always read that most diseases are of psychosomatic origins. That is the disease starts in the mind and manifests in the body.

In Reiki and other energy healing systems they teach that for example:
– those who have difficulity breathing are those who have a problem in giving and taking from others (See that the lungs give and take)
– those who have stiff neck are those who are not flexible mentally and stubborn
– those who have constipation are those who are unable to let go of things
– those who have pain in their legs are those who are unable to take certain steps in their lives
and the list can go on and on…

Some of the stuff I experienced in my early life was the inability to let go, pain in the legs, …and those manifested in the body. No doctor could really cure me by giving me pain killers, only when I realized the nature of this thought-body relation that my problems went away.

For example, the next time you feel jealous, angry or thinking negative notice how you tense up and how you feel in your stomach. To help you feel better, try to have an empty stomach and drink some lemonade. After that try to think negative or try to repress yourself. See how you burn in your stomach!

Be easy on your body by observing your ongoing moment to moment thoughts.


What is better than taking good care of yourself?


Probably the best thing you can do in your life is taking good care of yourself.

I can almost hear you protesting: “But I am already taking good care of myself….”

We are constantly talking this into ourselves while in reality we are barely taking care of ourselves. Continue reading “What is better than taking good care of yourself?”

Temporary Email Address?

Have you:

  • Ever wanted to download a software only to be asked for your email address before downloading?
  • Ever shared your email address on a website, though it claims clean, then the next day new spam started appearing in your inbox?
  • Ever needed to create a fast and anonymous email address for temporary use only?

Well, ofcourse you’ve faced at least one of these demands. Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail are not an option since they are not that anonymous as they seem and they take time to be created!

So what’s the solution you ask?
The solution lies in the what so called “Temporary Email Address” service providers.

One site that comes to mind is the mailinator website which gives you a random email address everytime you visit the website. Not only that, to check your messages you simply type the email address in question!

Other similar websites:
