The “21 Cards Magic Trick” revealed!

Today I am going to reveal to you a magic card trick that I have been using since a long time ago. I don’t remember where and how I learned this trick, most likely from a magic book.

This trick is really nice and easy to perform. Just make sure you do not perform it more than once or twice (at most) in the same setting, otherwise the participants will start to figure it out.

Let’s get started, please watch my video:

Now you may ask: “How does this trick work?”

Honestly, I am not sure. I would be happy if you share an explanation.

Nonetheless, I wrote a simple JavaScript program to simulate all possible initial card selection.

As you can see from the screenshot below, the card in question always shows up at the eleventh position after the 3rd iteration:


You may check all the possible card combinations using my online simulator.

By the way, if you’re wondering about the background music, it is from James Ludwig Stark’s album.

Let me know if you like this trick by leaving a comment, thanks!

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