It’s a dog eat dog world

I come from Lebanon and the dog eat dog mentality is what I have experienced all my life.

I don’t know why, but for some reason I was different than others. I never liked or participated in the dog eat dog mentality. I was always honest even though people would most often take my  fair share of things because of that. Eventually, as life wished it, I managed to leave Lebanon and live in a better country that is not rampant with cheating, bribing and corruption.

In my home country, politicians and people in power steal from the poor instead of helping them. The whole country is ran like a family business where the politicians pass the chairs down from father to son.

Due to scarcity, even the people started to adopt the mentality: “Me first, others later”. Eventually, they started cheating on each others. A famous song by Ghassan El Rahbani (in Arabic), describing the whole situation in Lebanon. Lebanon is not unique in that aspect. Probably other third world countries thrive with this mentality as well.

The funny thing about this mentality is that it can exist on a macro and micro levels (figuratively speaking).

On a macro level, 3rd world countries exhibit the dog eat dog mentality. On the micro level, you can experience this mentality in 1st world countries in corporate environments for example. Driven by the promise of promotion, even the fanciest work places will become a breeding ground for unhealthy individuals.

Practically speaking, one cannot take from others indefinitely. The poor can only give so much before they revolt. Similarly, an employee working in a high-stress dog-eat-dog environment will either get burned out or he will quit and find a more relaxed environment.

From a spiritual point of view, one should treat others as he likes to be treated. A person that keeps hoarding for oneself alone while disregarding others will eventually reap a completely opposite result: alienation and inner emptiness.

While on the other hand, a person that takes his fair share while being considerate to others, leads a more fulfilled life. Not only because he’s perceived by others as a considerate person, but also because his kindness will pay off at the end. If he does not have enough, others will repay him/her.

Always remember that nothing lasts forever and no bad deed (whether done secretly or in the mind) slips through the grips of Karma.

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