Hello readers,
Today I share with you a joke that my Dad told me a long time ago.
One day, in an art gallery exhibit, a visitor stopped in front of this drawing:

The visitor started to exclaim and wonder what this painting could possible mean.
Shortly after, the painter of this art piece approached the visitor and told him:
Sir, this is my master art piece. It took me a long time to draw because it has a lot of details and a big story to tell.
The visitor replies:
Oh really, how so?
Let me explain, said the paint:
This is an epic battle, in a moonless night, where two large black African armies are fighting. Blood and dead bodies everywhere.
The visitor then says:
How come? All I see is black…besides what’s this white spot?
The painter replies:
You can’t see anything because it is a moonless night; that white spot is the flying tooth of a fighter who just got punched.