Floatation tanks

Floatation tank, isolation tank or sensory deprivation tank mean the same thing. My first floatation tank experience was at B1 Yoga, and then at Urban Float (both places are in Washington State):

Quoting Wikipedia:

The isolation tank was developed in 1954 by John C. Lilly, a medical practitioner and neuropsychiatrist.[1][2][3] During his training in psychoanalysis at the US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Lilly experimented with sensory deprivation. After 10 years of experimentation without taking any psychoactive substances, he tried floating in combination with a psychedelic agent, mostly LSD (at that time he was a researcher at NIMH, and LSD was legal in the US).

If you have watched “Stranger Things” on Netflix, in one episode, they show us Eleven being trained inside an sensory deprivation tank. Even in later episodes, they build an improvised floatation tank using an inflatable pool and lots of Epsom salt.

Floatation tanks have many benefits, to list them all is to repeat what others have said. I am going to mention just a few:

  • Energises, rejuvenates and revitalises
  • Promotes total calm and peaceful relaxation
  • Deepens meditation
  • Enhances hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis
  • Speeds up rehabilitation and recovery
  • Relieves pain (arthritis, migraines, injuries and so on)
  • Reduces blood pressure, pulse, heart rate and oxygen consumption
  • Increases creativity, problem solving

If you are still uncertain, I advise you to read this classic book about floatation written by Michael Hutchison on how floatation tanks changed his life and help him recover his health.

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Even Flies say grace…

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