4 things to consider when looking for an apartment to rent

Apartment-for-rentThis year I set about to start looking for a new and cheaper place to rent in the Pacific Northwest / Redmond, Kirkland, Bellevue area. I tell you, apartment hunt was like an adventure.

I learned a lot from this ordeal, so I am going to share with you a few tips on how to make an informed decision about renting an apartment. Continue reading “4 things to consider when looking for an apartment to rent”

7 tips to help you spot Amway / WWDB recruiters in coffee shops

working-in-cofeeshopsIn my previous article “An encounter with Amway / WWDB recruiter” I shared my story about encountering an Amway recruiter.

In this article, I want to give you some tips on how to spot and recognize Amway recruiters so you know what to expect before they waste your time / money.

Continue reading “7 tips to help you spot Amway / WWDB recruiters in coffee shops”

An encounter with an Amway / WWDB recruiter

amway-logoThe other day, I was in Starbucks, working on my laptop, until I said hello to the lady that just came in and sat next to my table and started chatting.

What follows is my story and experience about meeting an Amway/World Wide Dream builders recruiter.

I will make efforts to be as objective as I can and share with you the short journey that unfolded thereafter. Continue reading “An encounter with an Amway / WWDB recruiter”

A brief interview with Dan Green from TheMortgageReports.com


Today I met Dan Green, the founder of TheMortgageReports.com at Starbucks. It was fun to see him blogging.

Here’s a short bio from Dan’s blog:

Dan Green is a mortgage market expert, providing over 10 years of direct-to-consumer advice. You can also connect with Dan on Twitter and on Google+

I kind of interviewed him about how he started his blog and I took some advise from him about blogging and how to succeed.

Continue reading “A brief interview with Dan Green from TheMortgageReports.com”

Gabor Maté on “What is Addiction?”

I paraphrase and summarize the most important points:

  • All substances are actually pain killers, some are specifically pain killers.
  • Emotional pain and suffering triggers in the same brain areas as physical pain.
  • Addiction develops because of pain and distress. Addiction, when acted upon provide pain killing effects to numb and escape the pain.
  • Quoting Eckhart Tolle: Every addiction starts with pain and ends with pain
  • Because of too much distress and pain one cannot be with oneself.
  • From the Tibetan Book of the Dead: “Whatever you do, don’t try and escape from your pain, but be with it. To attempt to escape from pain is what creates more pain.”
  • Running away from pain bring more pain. Running away is not the solution.
  • Getting the sense of compassion through companionship, one can start to free the self from pain.
  • We have to be with the pain until it passes and know what it is really about.
  • We now live in an age of instant gratification. Our society is not designed to support us to be able to be by ourselves. There’s always the quick getaway.

The 4 types of Spiritual Fasting

Today I received the following diagram, because the Christian believers entered the lent period, a period of spiritual fasting.

[skip to the meat (pun intended)]

About the Lent period, I quote from officeholidays.com:

The season of Lent is regarded as a time for when Christians should clean up their spiritual house, coming to terms with their lives and rededicating themselves to a more holy and righteous way of living.

and about “Clean Monday”

This first day of Great Lent is called “Clean Monday” because Christians should begin the holy season with “clean hearts and good intentions.

Now let’s cut to the action!. Continue reading “The 4 types of Spiritual Fasting”

The health benefits of “Foot Reflexology Path”


A “Reflexology Foot Path” is a path designed to massage and stimulate acupressure points on the soles of the feet, which are connected to various energy meridians of the body.

To create the reflexology foot path, soft and smooth river rocks (or cobblestone) are placed in the path to stimulate neurological reflex zones on the foot to create health and well-being.

The stimulation of the reflex zones may initially create pain and soreness. In fact, that depends on how healthy you are. Little children can run on such path with little or no pain at all.

Actually, reflexology foot paths are common in China.

A recently completed study by scientists at the Oregon Research Institute (ORI) confirmed that walking on a cobblestone mat surface resulted in significant reduction in blood pressure, and improvement in balance and physical performance among adults 60 and over.


As a bonus, I share with you a video I created while walking on the Bastyr’s refloxology foot path:

Continue reading “The health benefits of “Foot Reflexology Path””

Why the low-carbohydrates diet?

  1. Introduction
  2. What is the “glycemic index”
  3. The role of different hormones
  4. Putting it all together
  5. References


In this article, we will be covering important aspects and facets as to why a low-carb diet is considered, nowadays, a much more healthy diet that promotes weight loss, energetic life and most importantly a long-term healthy life.
We will introduce the concept of glycemic index, different hormones roles, and finish by citing different low-carb diets.

The misconception is that we’ve always thought that a calorie is just a calorie and we only gain weight by eating food items that are high in calories, such as fat. Continue reading “Why the low-carbohydrates diet?”

Juice Fasting Friday

I was raised in a Christian household. My parents taught me to abstain from meat each Friday. After I broke free from the religious institutions and starting looking for truth everywhere and in various ‘holy’ books, I stopped being rigid about any spiritual practice.

The Truth is not exclusive to any religion

Instead of fasting and abstaining from eating meat, I decided to juice fast on certain Fridays for health and spiritual reasons. I speak a lot about the fasting topic and its benefits in my “Introduction to Fasting” article.

image Continue reading “Juice Fasting Friday”

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – In Brief

What is OCD?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD in short, is a mental illness that causes people to have unwanted thoughts and to repeat a certain pattern of behavior over and over again.
Sometimes it is compared to a mental hiccup, where the ill person have an involuntary urge to do a certain action.

In OCD’s terms, the unwanted thoughts, images, feelings that occur over and over are known as “Obsessions” whereas the act of doing a certain action in order to dismiss a certain obsession is coined as “Compulsions”.

OCD is not a mental disease caused by the individual him/herself (for example due to weak personality or will power), instead it is a physical/medical brain disorder that causes problems in processing the information.

Though the person with OCD knows that his obsessions or compulsions make no sense, s/he, most of the times cannot control his/her urges to stop the thoughts. Continue reading “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – In Brief”

About “taking what’s not yours” and the five senses

In this article I will share with you my thoughts about not taking what’s not ours. I will also talk about how we are exposed to many circumstance, especially through our five senses, where we have to exercise our judgment and decide whether to “take” what is not ours or not.

Making a sound judgment pays us well on a karmic and spiritual level. Always follow the golden rule:

Do unto others what you want them to do unto you

Remember that every action you make in life always comes with a price: physical, psychological, emotional and a karmic price.Remember that what goes around comes around. Continue reading “About “taking what’s not yours” and the five senses”