Yes, women can be really hard to understand!

It is no secret that woman are hard to understand sometimes because they are affected by their hormones, mood swings, upbringing, the society and political correctness.

If you are, like many other men, confused and not sure what to make when you hear a woman complaining then here’s a short glossary of words and what they really mean:

  • Creepy: anything an unattractive man does (eye contact, conversation, smile, flirt etc.)
  • Loneliness: not being approached by a tall robust, good-looking stud. The rest doesn’t count
  • Celibacy: spending more than 5 days without sex
  • Personality: a tall, robust, good-looking stud. One of deceiving means women use for non handsome men
  • Dream: share the top 5% of elite men, the rest can fuck each other
  • Equality: being superior to men, special rights and privileges to women
  • Rejection: having less than 5 dating options and not being invited to events more often
  • Fear: looks fading and losing the competition to younger, hotter female rivals
  • Vagina: the most powerful multi-function tool a woman can use to get anything she wants because it makes her think she is entitled to get profiles with no responsibility
  • Men friend: an asexual slave creature who women gather for favors, entertainment and free stuff. Someone who a female feels no sexual attraction to
  • Woman: a perfect angel sent from heaven who is blameless, pure, delicate, gracious and free from any guilt and a victim of men
  • Government: a biased institution which pampers and cuddles to women. For example: female-friendly laws, “yes means yes“, equality, etc.

Now after you start to understand a woman and get closer from her, you should make sure you know what is the right way to say things in order to keep her happy:

Dangerous Safer Ultra Safe
What’s for dinner? Can I help you with dinner? Where would you like to go for dinner?
Are you wearing that? You sure look good in brown! WOW! Look at you!
What are you so worked out about? Could we be overreacting? Here’s my paycheck
Should you be eating that? You know, there are a lot of apples left Can I get you a piece of chocolate with that?
What did you do all day? I hope you didn’t overdo it today! I always loved you in that robe!

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