A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction.

Memes make rounds on the internet and this time, I received this quote:

A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction.

The first thing I did is make sure that this quote is really attributed to Oscar Wilde and it was indeed.

I totally agree with his quote especially in this modern age.

It is hard to find a young woman that is not obsessed about makeup or how she looks. In fact, these days there are less and less true things about a woman’s appearances. Consider yourself lucky if you find a natural woman who is not riddled with insecurities.

Plastic surgery to make bigger breasts, asses or lips are but a minor subset of cosmetic surgeries that are conducted mainly to increase their sexual market value and appeal.

At the same time, these women scream: “Don’t objectify us”. They are sad that men look at them like sexual objects. Unfortunately, I cannot blame the men when the women themselves are objectifying themselves day in and day out by dressing provocatively for the inappropriate occasions. For instance, a girl in tight (and perhaps transparent) Yoga pants coming to work in the office. Needless to say that outfit is not appropriate for a professional workplace environment…of course unless she works in a Yoga studio or the gym.

It is even saddening to learn that a woman is not satisfied by just making her face as her work of fiction (lots of makeup and “beauty” products), she posts photos of herself online via all the social media outlets for validation from other men and women. Have you heard of Instagram attention seeking girls?

What kind of mentality that is where women need to broadcast their toilet swimsuit photos for the world to see/comment/like?

What world do we live in when a person with a wise message or some valuable knowledge has barely a few followers but a scantly clad woman has 500k+ followers on Instagram?
What is she offering to the world?

This whole thing is a big viscous circle. There are also lots of men who think mostly with their small heads, and these men enable women by pandering to their demands, entitlement and bullshit. The more guys pander to those attention seeking women the more it reinforces these girls to seek more attention.

Brace yourselves readers, I have a feeling (#MeToo, #wastehistime2017 trends for instance are nothing but the beginning) that the future is not bright and things will become worse when it comes to the interactions and dynamics between the genders.

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10 Replies to “A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction.”

  1. Can’t agree with this completely. What if men, by design (of nature/God/evolution), are attracted to sexy looking women, and women, are attracted to accomplished men? That would explain why conventionally sexy looking women end up with not-so-good-looking men. It could just be that women do not care about looks of men, while men do care about the looks of women.

    Attractiveness of a man seems to increase with age (well into his 50s, I’d say) while a woman’s marketability drops steeply once she is into her late 30s.

    It is a man’s world.

    1. No problem if men are attracted to sexy women, but the thing is the women are not honest about the way they really look when they put all the makeup. Imagine getting attracted to someone because of the crafty makeup but get a big surprise when you go for a swim and see her without makeup.

      1. “No problem if men are attracted to sexy women, but the thing is the women are not honest about the way they really look” – you really don’t see the cause and effect relationship here? how people look is random, but yet it is used to assign someone’s value. does a woman who was born ugly has to just get buried her dreams, and live as a pariah forever, accepting that she will never be loved, she will never be treated as a valuable person in the society? is this justice? is it a problem in a woman that she tries hard to have a better life and “correct” herself to the standards the society demands from her? as you said: men are attracted to sexy women. why they are not attracted to intelligent women, to women who invest their time in building their character than into their looks? you get what you demand. yet you still complain and find women guilty.

      2. Thank you for your reply. That’s an old article that does not necessarily reflect my current understanding/take on life/relationship/women/men/etc. I don’t agree or disagree with what you said. I don’t have energy to debate at this point in time.

    2. It’s both world. I don’t understand how you can even say that. Humans gets attracted to beautiful things of hormones. But that’s only in first sight. What’s more beautiful is when you get to know that person. You enter a different world where you get to know about that person’s thoughts and how their mind works. Plz don’t write these bullshit in here

  2. sorry to say but with the changing circumstances and mindsets I personally don’t agree with you. if a girl wants to wear yoga pants to her work place she can, she is going to work and not to be judged. there are so many opinions in the world one less opinion will honestly make a huge difference. Read up and then give your perspective. Thank you:)

    1. Thank you for your reply. That’s an old article that does not necessarily reflect my current understanding/take on life/relationship/women/men/etc. I don’t agree or disagree with what you said. I don’t have energy to debate at this point in time.

  3. everyone wants to be respected, right? it is a normal need of a human being. the problem is, this society judges woman’s value by her appearance. maybe a small subset of women are naturally beautiful – but the most is not so much. what can they do? listen every day how ugly they are, and be insulted? they do their level best to appear better, so that they will not be bothered by hurtful comments. maybe you will be surprised, but during the pandemic many woman says how much of a relief they have when everyone is wearing a mask and they don’t have to bother doing makeup. if society will not put so much pressure on women, for sure more of them will dare to keep their natural look.

  4. Meh. I semi agree and semi don’t. I think this is a more modern take on the quote, which is somewhat agreeable.

    But Oscar Wilde lived in the 1800s, “beauty products” and “makeup” hardly existed and only the rich could actually afford it. And plastic surgery was non-existent. Additionally, Oscar Wilde was a huge advocate for being yourself, regardless of what people think and because of that ended up being in jail for 12 years because he was homosexual and wasn’t afraid to hide it.

    I think this was more of a “from-within” quote. The first part about a mans face being his autobiography is stating that a man is more open, they will tell you their thoughts, opinions, etc. and they don’t have an issue talking about tough times in their lives, whereas, women, especially in the 1800s didn’t have the option to really speak their minds.

    You have to remember that this was a completely different era where women really weren’t respected and they weren’t allowed to speak to what they believed in. Women were there to make their husbands look better, and never got to truly be themselves. And I think that is where he was going with it.

    A man can tell you anything and rarely get judged, which is why it is his autobiography. Women, were forced to keep their beliefs, thoughts, opinions, insecurities, etc. bottled up and fake who they were and what they believed in (fiction) for the sole purpose of making their husbands happy.

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