If your plan is for 100 years, educate children

If your plan is for 1 year, plant rice.
If your plan is for 10 years, plant trees.
If your plan is for 100 years, educate children.

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Excerpts from the “Blizzard Cosplay: Tips, Tricks and Hints” book

A hardcover copy of the “Blizzard Cosplay: Tips, Tricks and Hints” book was released on October 15, 2018. It has stunning CosPlay images.

Here’s a small taste of it:

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All must fulfill their three debts

I was watching the Mahabharata and they spoke about the 3 kinds of debts that one has to fulfill in his/her lifetime: God’s debt, Sage’s debt, Ancestral debt.

All must fulfill their debts three,
God’s, Sage’s, Ancestral surely,
Before death and leaving body,
Else life itself is insulted sadly.
These debts not ordinary do be,
God’s debt – Lord Vishnu’s be,
Sage’s debt – Lord Shiv’s be,
Ancestral debt – Brahma’s be.
God’s debt by charity fulfilled be,
Sage’s by acquiring, giving be,
But of the knowledge definitely,
Ancestral debt by having progeny.

God’s debt can be fulfilled by doing charity work. I am not surprised by that. It is known in many esoteric circles that charity is a very important deed. The Bible and Masonic literature talk a lot about charity.

Sage’s debt can be fulfilled by learning, acquiring wisdom and imparting knowledge to others.

And it goes without saying that ancestral debt can be fulfilled by procreating and continuing our ancestral lineage. That is not to say that one should procreate mindlessly but instead procreate with high morality and spiritual standards. One has to bring children to the world so they help improve the world and not “pollute” the world and be like parasites.

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Different foods and their digestion times

It is a curious and helpful thing to know how much time the food we eat takes to digest. Digestion time is different than the time the food remains in our body before it gets expelled.

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Two things

Two things do not remain for ever in humans: youth and strength
Two things beneficial for every human: good manners and generosity
Two things that hurt every man: darkness and corruption
Two things every man hates: envy and bitterness
Two things pursued by every man: fame and money
Two things that never change in a human: looks and character
Two things you spend your life between: evening and day, tiredness and restfulness
Two things that conflict your soul: the lust of the body and the lust of the soul
Two things are enemies of health: deep sorrow and deep love
Two things are enemies of peace: greed and envy
Two things are enemies of the society: the traitor and the lazy
Two small things: the heart and the tongue
Two stones: gold and silver
Two alternates: day and night
Two whites: water and yogurt
Two courts: the world and the afterlife

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2019 World Predictions by Michel Hayek – The Amazement

Keeping up with every year’s tradition on this blog, I am doing a preliminary translation of the 2019 world predictions by Michel Hayek.

Disclaimer by me:

  1. I am not a professional translator and I do this as a hobby.
  2. I do not claim that the translation below is accurate or true.
  3. I did not translate everything. I skipped many things including predictions of events that are very local to the Arab region and Lebanon.

If you can understand Lebanese Arabic, I have edited and cleaned the TV interview with Michel and made it available here:

Predictions from previous years:

Let’s get started! Continue reading “2019 World Predictions by Michel Hayek – The Amazement”