Yoga pants and short shorts – The peak of degeneracy

I find Yoga pants and short shorts (when worn out of context) really degrading for women and young girls.
Such outfits are inappropriate and are a very trashy way to get dressed and go in public.

Out of context (say in a professional office setting, in a church, etc.) I perceive girls that dress like that as those who are just trying to be visually provocative, and are asking for attention and validation through their body.

It is one thing to dress “comfortably”, it is another thing to know deep inside that what you wear is “sexy” and gets the heads turning all towards your goods.

How did women dress “comfortably” before the invention of such outfits?

It is sad that these days, a girl causes a man to look at her ass or boobs rather than at her face, her character and personality.

A quote from Proverbs 6:25

Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes.

Continue reading “Yoga pants and short shorts – The peak of degeneracy”

8 ways to misuse Facebook and hurt your psyche
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I started using Facebook back in 2007 after a lot of peer pressure and after many friends and relatives started using it.

The reason why I delayed and pondered whether to join or not, was about my privacy concerns and about the fact that posting personal photos of myself, friends and family was not something that made me feel at ease.

During the years, I have been using Facebook, I was becoming truly aware of its negative effect on my psyche and the psyche of many of those who were on my friends list.

In late 2012, I took the decision to quit using Facebook. It was an easy choice. I did lose many of my “friends”, but I won real ones that make effort to write me an email and see me in person.

In late 2014, I re-activated my account in order to promote this blog. I also changed the way I use it: Just as an advertisement platform and a little bit like a social network. Continue reading “8 ways to misuse Facebook and hurt your psyche”

The Pledge of Allegiance


I am not a U.S citizen yet but I live here. I did not learn the Pledge of Allegiance at school, but the first time I heard it, it was during a fraternal meeting. I really loved it. Actually I appreciate to learn something on my own than having to be forced to learn in an institution such as school, church or university.

This pledge, in my opinion, holds so many virtues that are worth discussing.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Continue reading “The Pledge of Allegiance”

Just once, I wish to wake up and see…a united world!


I would like to wake up one day, look at the world and see:

  • A Christian quoting the Quran
  • A Muslim quoting the Bhagavad Gita or the Bible
  • A Buddhist quoting the Torah
  • Jews and Muslims in peace
  • The media writing about news as they are
  • The rich and the poor walking together
  • The knowledgeable educating the ignorant
  • The positive person teaching and inspiring the negative person
  • The arrogant becoming humble
  • Terrorists changing their ways and finding the light
  • Powerful countries helping developing countries
  • Science and religion merging
  • All the nation praying for one God, one truth
  • The world in harmony
  • No more wars, killing and violence

And that’s not my Christmas wish.

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An encounter with an Amway / WWDB recruiter

amway-logoThe other day, I was in Starbucks, working on my laptop, until I said hello to the lady that just came in and sat next to my table and started chatting.

What follows is my story and experience about meeting an Amway/World Wide Dream builders recruiter.

I will make efforts to be as objective as I can and share with you the short journey that unfolded thereafter. Continue reading “An encounter with an Amway / WWDB recruiter”

Seeing with equal heart

I don’t remember when exactly I came to learn about the Bhagavad Gita, probably during my second trip to India back in 2007. The Bhagavad Gita spoke to me directly, along with the hidden gems in the Mahabharata epic.

When I was still living in Belgium, I visited Radhadesh and befriended a Brahmachari. We both enjoyed each other’s company. He offered to help me while I study the Bhagavad Gita.

While I have not read the Bhagavad Gita from cover to cover, I usually open it at random and learn from it.

It has nice illustrations to explain some of the verses in the book. The picture you see in this article talks about the humble sage that sees everyone with equal vision.

I decided to call this article “Seeing with equal heart” and not “Seeing with equal vision” because I believe that vision, spiritual vision, takes place in the heart where we can choose to look at things as they are or with a mask of judgement.

Continue reading “Seeing with equal heart”

The 10 commandments in the 21st century

ten commandmentsSpiritual or religious teaching have roots in the human psyche and can not go out of date. I have been meaning to write about the ten commandments and how they apply in real life. In this blog post, I will list the commandments and then talk a bit, from my point of view, how I see they still apply in the 21st century.

The 10 Commandments list can be found here Exodus 20:2-17

Let’s get started!

Continue reading “The 10 commandments in the 21st century”

Today I saw a Porsche

Today, in the morning, while driving to work, I stopped at many red lights. In front of me, there was a Porsche. I began thinking.
“If I had all the money I need, would I buy a Porsche?”
I stopped and started thinking, then thought:
“I personally would not spend the money on expensive cars. I like my car, it drives well and got enough technology to my taste”

Besides, I don’t like to buy something fancy I don’t need, especially when I have a lot of money and know that there are people that cannot even afford to take the bus. When I have more money than I can spend, I believe I have responsibility to share with others.

I am always reminded of this Cabalistic teaching: “Receiving for the sake of sharing”.

What would you do?

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Gabor Maté on “What is Addiction?”

I paraphrase and summarize the most important points:

  • All substances are actually pain killers, some are specifically pain killers.
  • Emotional pain and suffering triggers in the same brain areas as physical pain.
  • Addiction develops because of pain and distress. Addiction, when acted upon provide pain killing effects to numb and escape the pain.
  • Quoting Eckhart Tolle: Every addiction starts with pain and ends with pain
  • Because of too much distress and pain one cannot be with oneself.
  • From the Tibetan Book of the Dead: “Whatever you do, don’t try and escape from your pain, but be with it. To attempt to escape from pain is what creates more pain.”
  • Running away from pain bring more pain. Running away is not the solution.
  • Getting the sense of compassion through companionship, one can start to free the self from pain.
  • We have to be with the pain until it passes and know what it is really about.
  • We now live in an age of instant gratification. Our society is not designed to support us to be able to be by ourselves. There’s always the quick getaway.