I learned how to throw boomerangs

In 2004, I learned how to play Frisbee. It was love at first sight. I used to go with my friend to the beach and throw the frisbee for hours on end…then my friend left the country to continue his studies. As a natural progression, in 2013, I learned how to throw boomerangs.

At first it was hard, I would throw it and it would not return. It took a lot of practice but then I finally made it! Persistence is key!

I now have a collection of various boomerangs that I use: some for long distance, some are wind resistant, some are easy to throw and they return more frequently with less skill, etc.

That’s a short video someone took of me while throwing the boomerang in the Bellevue Downtown Park:

You like boomerangs?

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Quotes for the last Sunday of August 2018

  • It is not important if you are walking slowly, but it is important to walk on the right road
  • To succeed, your will for success should be stronger than your fear of failure
  • Be like a comma. If you miss it, just put it and move forward towards your goal. Don’t be like a dot and end your dreams on first obstacle.
  • You pray only when in need and hardship. It is much better to pray when happy and at ease. If you get to know your God in good times, he gets to know you in your bad times.
  • War is bad, but what is worth than that are those who profit from war without even participating in it.
  • Search for gold in the dirt under your feet, in the leftovers that you throw away, in the needs of others and try to provide for them.
    Do not envy those who excelled and attained a better life because they worked hard to reach that point. There is plenty for everyone that work as hard. Do not stand still and do nothing.
  • The ignorant stands the first in life so other people can see him, but the learned stands in the back so he can see the people
  • A donkey will never learn how to swim until water reach his ears
  • He who disobeys his parents will not see good treatments from his children
  • Do not talk alot about yourself and private life among your acquaintences, instead let them talk about their own life
  • Be careful not to talk about the faults of others, even if they are at fault, instead be general and say that everyone can make mistakes and be at fault
  • You can ask for a lot of things from others except for respect, that you have to earn
  • He who does his work with love and passion will make it hard for sadness to creep into his life
  • If you had lunch, then sleep on it. If you had dinner, then make sure you walk 40 steps at least
  • Among friendships, there are two kinds that you should avoid the most.
    The first kind is those who love and stay with you when your pocket is full and they turn against you when your pocket becomes empty.The other kind is those who flatter you in your presence, but curse you when you turn your back.
  • One day, the philosopher told the garbage collector: I pitty you because your work is disgusting and dirty
    The garbage collector (gc) replied: Thank you sir, but tell me, what is your profession?
    The philosopher replied: I study the manners and characters of people, I research their work and obstacles
    The garbage collector laughed and replied: Oh poor man, oh poor man.
  • The more lazy you are the more frustrated you become. Frustration comes from failure and lazyness.
  • Forgive your enemies…however do not ever forget their names

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See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil!

I found this nice picture in an Art book. I wish I remember its name, but if you know then please let me know.

Anyway, usually the “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” is illustrated by 3 monkeys. In the painting below, it is illustrated by Bears. That’s why I found it interesting.

According to Wikipedia, there are three differing explanations of the meaning of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”:

  1. In Buddhist tradition, the tenets of the proverb are about not dwelling on evil thoughts.
  2. In the Western world both the proverb and the image are often used to refer to a lack of moral responsibility on the part of people who refuse to acknowledge impropriety, looking the other way or feigning ignorance.
  3. It may also signify a code of silence in gangs, or organized crime.

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What is the Macrobiotic diet? By Mariam Nour [Arabic Edition] – تعريــــــف المايكروبيوتيك

    هنالك العديد من الأفكار الخاطئة عن ماهية المايكروبيوتيك.
    بدون الفهم الصحيح لهذا العلم, فإن كثير من الناس سيجدون تعلمه وتطبيقه عبء يصعب عليهم تحمله ومع مرور الوقت فإنهم سينجرفون وراء النزعة الداخلية التي سترفضه وأيضا تعيبه كعلم.
    لقد شككت في صحة هذا العلم مرات عديدة قبل أن أصل إلى المعنى الحقيقي للحياة نفسها.
    الآن أنا أؤمن أن المايكروبيوتيك والحياة هما شئ واحد, فهما الدعامة لاستمرار الحياة.
    في محاولتي لتعريف المايكروبيوتيك, توصلت أن نظرة كل شخص و تفهمه للمايكروبيوتيك والحياة يعكس لنا أي مستوى من التحكيم الذي يحكم به على مجريات الأمور قد توصل إليه ذلك الشخص.

مستويات جورج أوشاوا السبعة للتحكيم

جورج أوشاوا, مولد علم المايكروبيوتيك الحديث, وصف سبع مستويات للتطور الإنساني و أسماها مستويات التحكيم السبع. هذا الترتيب عبارة عن أداة رائعة تساعد على معرفة ماهية المايكروبيوتيك الحقيقية.
هذه المستويات السبع هي كالتالي:
  • 1-   الميكانيكي
  • 2-     الحسي
  • 3-     الوجداني
  • 4-     العقلاني
  • 5-     الاجتماعي
  • 6-     التصوري
  • 7-     السمو
هنالك قصة قديمة من الهند تجسد لنا الصعوبة في محاولة تعريف أي شئ ومهما كانت المحاولة فإن التعريف سيكون شخصي أو غير موضوعي و ناقص.
يقال أنه طلب من ثلاث رجال كفيفي البصر تعريف الفيل .
الأول تحسس خرطوم الفيل ووصفه على أنه يشبه الحية, أما الآخر فقد تحسس جانب الفيل وقال أنه يشبه الحائط, و الأخير تحسس ذيل الفيل ومن ثم قال إنه يشبه الفرشاة.
أيهما أدلى بالوصف الصحيح؟

Continue reading “What is the Macrobiotic diet? By Mariam Nour [Arabic Edition] – تعريــــــف المايكروبيوتيك”

Even Flies say grace…

A funny picture I received but it made me think how in modern times, one can get super busy and forget to say grace before eating. This is especially true if you live alone and away from your family who taught you and enforced those values when you were a kid.

You know what? Even robots say grace! 🙂

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Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates

I found this nice picture on the Internet:

I found it very inspiring and serves as a reminder to improve myself when I am engaging with others.

Basically, before saying anything to others, one should be mindful of the effects of their words. Words are very strong and are even said to be stronger than swords and weapons.

Before speaking, ask yourself three questions: Continue reading “Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates”

The A-B-C-D Model – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

I am not a psychologist, but recently I learned about an interesting tool that can help one enhance their cognitive behavior. It is called the “A-B-C-D Model” or simply the “ABC cognitive model”.

It is developed by one of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) founders: Albert Ellis, PhD. This model can help one think and act more rationally, thus lead a stress free life.

The moment I learned about this model and understood how to apply it, it became an important tool in my daily life. Continue reading “The A-B-C-D Model – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy”

Today’s Reality…Sad but true…

Sometimes, chain emails are educative. This time, the video talks about the today’s reality with respect to friendship, love, health:

Please watch the video and feel free to share it with others:

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