Different foods and their digestion times

It is a curious and helpful thing to know how much time the food we eat takes to digest. Digestion time is different than the time the food remains in our body before it gets expelled.

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Two things

Two things do not remain for ever in humans: youth and strength
Two things beneficial for every human: good manners and generosity
Two things that hurt every man: darkness and corruption
Two things every man hates: envy and bitterness
Two things pursued by every man: fame and money
Two things that never change in a human: looks and character
Two things you spend your life between: evening and day, tiredness and restfulness
Two things that conflict your soul: the lust of the body and the lust of the soul
Two things are enemies of health: deep sorrow and deep love
Two things are enemies of peace: greed and envy
Two things are enemies of the society: the traitor and the lazy
Two small things: the heart and the tongue
Two stones: gold and silver
Two alternates: day and night
Two whites: water and yogurt
Two courts: the world and the afterlife

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2019 World Predictions by Michel Hayek – The Amazement

Keeping up with every year’s tradition on this blog, I am doing a preliminary translation of the 2019 world predictions by Michel Hayek.

Disclaimer by me:

  1. I am not a professional translator and I do this as a hobby.
  2. I do not claim that the translation below is accurate or true.
  3. I did not translate everything. I skipped many things including predictions of events that are very local to the Arab region and Lebanon.

If you can understand Lebanese Arabic, I have edited and cleaned the TV interview with Michel and made it available here:

Predictions from previous years:

Let’s get started! Continue reading “2019 World Predictions by Michel Hayek – The Amazement”

He among you who is without sin, let him cast the first stone

Jesus is quoted to say in the Bible:

He among you who is without sin, let him cast the first stone

Everyone fell in silence and cast away their stones and started dispersing.

Jesus answered well the inquiring crowd but one might wonder if what he said also applies to him?

Was Jesus without sin? If so, why he did not cast the first stone according to the law?

Was Jesus not a child? Was he not mischievous?

Every kid is mischievous, that is part of growing up, including Jesus. I remember when I was in my childhood and preteen years, how my parents and society kept haunting me as a sinner for doing anything that they don’t agree with. Do you want to convince me that the teen Jesus did not give headaches to his parents or caused problems?

No wonder that the Bibles we have in circulations exclude his childhood stories. Those who control the populace from behind the scenes had a different agenda: they wanted to portray Jesus as being perfect and everyone else is born a sinner and can never be perfect.

In all cases, remember this:

Do as we say, not as we do

No one is perfect on Earth. Everyone errs, and that is not the end of the world.

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Riddle: How many brothers and sisters are there in this family? Z3 Theorem prover

The other day, I ran into a riddle:

A brother said to his sister: “I have as many sisters as brothers”
His sister replied: “I have twice as many brothers as I have sisters”

How many brothers and sisters exist in this family?

I figured that it’s a nice exercise for the Z3 theorem prover. All I had to do is express the riddle in a series of constraints and ask Z3 to try to find a solution.

The following is a Z3Py program that expresses the riddle:

import z3

# Create a solver instance
s = z3.Solver()

# Create two variables representing the total number of males and females (m and f)
m, f = z3.Ints('m f')

# The brother said: I have as many brothers as sisters
s.add(m - 1 == f)

# The sister said: I have twice as much brothers as I have sisters
s.add(2 * (f - 1) == m)

# Check for the solution
if s.check() == z3.sat:
  sol = s.model()
  print "Brothers: %d, Sisters: %d" % (sol[m].as_long(), sol[f].as_long())

When we run the solver, we get the following solution: 4 males, 3 females.

If you prefer the good old systems of equations, we can solve it like this:

The brother said:
m - 1 = f          (1)

The sister said:
2 * (f - 1) = m    (2)

So we have 2 equations, let's do some substitution:

-> f = m - 1        (1)
-> 2f - 2 = m       (2)

--> m = 2f - 2      (2)
--> f = 2f - 2 - 1  (1)
--> f = 2f - 3
--> f - 2f = -3
--> -f = -3
--> f = 3

--> m = 2f - 2
--> m = 2*3 - 2
--> m = 6 - 2
--> m = 4


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Unhealthy food cravings and their healthy counterparts

Often times a modern man craves unhealthy and junk food that did not exist before (artificial sweeteners, transfats, fast food etc.). What to do in this case?

Cave in and eat unhealthy foods? or try to find a more healthy alternative to satisfy those cravings?

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They were created for you…

The sun was created for you, so bask in its warm light
The wind was created for you, so enjoy its fresh breeze
The river was created for you, so enjoy its silky water
Fruits were created for you, so enjoy their taste
Thank your creator for all that he has given you for free

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A warrior has two friends and two enemies

A while back, I was watching the Mahabharat series by B.R Chopra. It contains lots of nice moral stories and wisdom. One thing I am sharing with you is the following:

The warrior has two enemies: Sleep and Tiredness.

He has two friends: Hard work and caution.

The warrior who can vanquish these enemies and befriend these two friends will be undefeatable.
A person should not be jealous.
Jealousy neutralizes a person’s good points.

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Batchography: Batch script to automatically recompile or run a script interpreter


In a previous blog post, I showed you how to write a polyglot Batch file that is both a Batch script and a C++ source file. When the Batch file is executed, it compiles itself (as C++).  In this blog post I am going to show you how to write a Batch file script that polls the file system periodically to see if a given input file is changed and if so, it will invoke the compiler or interpreter of your choice.

This concept is similar to what the Compiler Explorer does actually.

I am going to write a small script that keeps running your Python script automatically in a separate console window the moment you save the script in your editor. Check the script in action:

Continue reading “Batchography: Batch script to automatically recompile or run a script interpreter”

Overwatch: Lucio-Oh’s

If you are a fan of Blizzard Entertainment’s OverWatch game and love cereals then you might be pleased to know that now you can buy OverWatch Lucio-Oh’s and have them for breakfast!

Additionally, up until the end of 2019, you can download the Synaesthesia Auditiva free album:

Here’s one sound track for you called “05 Sonhos Ômnicos (Extended Mix)”, enjoy:

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