A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction.

Memes make rounds on the internet and this time, I received this quote:

A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction.

The first thing I did is make sure that this quote is really attributed to Oscar Wilde and it was indeed.

I totally agree with his quote especially in this modern age.

It is hard to find a young woman that is not obsessed about makeup or how she looks. In fact, these days there are less and less true things about a woman’s appearances. Consider yourself lucky if you find a natural woman who is not riddled with insecurities.

Plastic surgery to make bigger breasts, asses or lips are but a minor subset of cosmetic surgeries that are conducted mainly to increase their sexual market value and appeal. Continue reading “A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction.”

Anderson Debernardi the founder of: Usko-Ayar Amazonian School of Painting

During my trip to Iquitos, Peru, I discovered the Usko-Ayar Amazonian School of Painting which was founded by Anderson Debernardi.

I was having a dinner at Karma Cafe, Iquitos when noticed all the beautiful paintings on the wall. The following are some of the pictures I took with my phone. By the way, the cafe is awesome and I highly recommend it.

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Divorced Barbie Doll


A father leaves work a little late one night and, while on his way home, he remembers that he has not yet purchased a christmas gift for his young daughter. He quickly parks his car in front of a toy store and asks the salesperson:

“How much is the Barbie in the window?”.

With a convincing voice, the salesperson replies:

“Well, we have ‘Barbie goes to the gym’ for $19.95…

‘Barbie plays Volleyball’ for $19.95…

‘Barbie goes Shopping’ for $19.95…

‘Barbie goes to the Beach’ for $19.95…

and ‘Divorced Barbie’ for $265.95…  

The surprised man asks: “What? Why does the divorced Barbie cost $265.95 when the rest are only $19.95?” 

Salesman says: “Sir, the ‘Divorced Barbie’ comes with Ken’s car, Ken’s house, Ken’s boat, Ken’s furniture, Ken’s computer, and one of Ken’s friends.”

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Gun with a tracking device from the “Dreamcatcher” movie

I watched the Dreamcatcher movie a while back. It is a nice movie involving young boys, now adults, who have been gifted psychic abilities by an alien. That alien, in the hiding, looks like a human being and waits for the right moment to defend the Earth from other hostile aliens.

In the movie we see a gun with a tracking device in it, I like the concept (not that this is something new). You would never suspect that your gun is traceable:

Speaking of dreamcatchers, I found this nice dreamcatcher on Amazon, check it out:


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Wandering towards the sunset: My second painting

I am no artist but this is my second painting.
I enjoyed painting this one on 06/10/2017 at Pinot’s Palette

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The Iceberg Illusion of Success

I found this picture on the internet and I really loved it and as usual, I would like to use it as a launching pad for today’s article.

I still remember my self when I was young, between the ages of 14 to 23, I used to envy people of my age or slightly older who seemed to have achieved the success that I want for myself.

If I saw another guy with a fancy car, I would immediately justify that by telling myself that he must have rich parents.

If I see a smart guy from a good university, I would say to myself that his parents could afford to educate him in such a prestigious university and then I would say to myself: only if I had the means, then I would have been more successful.

If I saw a guy with a hot looking girl, I would say to myself: “He must have money because that’s why the girl is hanging out with him. I don’t have a car or the money to take her out and give her a nice time”.

Back then, I could not afford to buy all the material possessions that I wanted. I remember when my peers used to have a Game Boy or a Sega Mega drive. They used to come to school and play with those game consoles and it made me feel sad and unhappy because I don’t have one myself. Often times, I would think about my parents with a bit of childish resentment. I had the sense of entitlement because I was immature.

Back then, I could not afford to take vacations or travel wherever I wanted. I was living in a continuous state of perceived lack, holding my happiness hostage to external situations. For a big part of my childhood and adulthood, It felt that my self worth really depends on how others perceive me, how much I have, what car I have, what cloth I wear, what kind of a girl friend I had. Continue reading “The Iceberg Illusion of Success”

Why wear a short shorts if you want to keep pulling it down?

Have you ever noticed young girls or even adult women wearing short shorts but yet they feel so self-conscious and shy about it that they keep pulling it down to cover their behinds? Isn’t that ironic?

Why wear it in the first place if it makes you feel uncomfortable or if you don’t like the attention you are getting?

Is it not attention towards your assets the biggest reason as to why you chose to buy and wear that outfit?

“Oh no you! That’s not the reason” you say, “The reason is that it is hot outside and that is very comfy”. Is it really so? I wonder why men don’t feel as hot as you are and are contempt with wearing regular shorts 😉

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Between two…

Between two you spend your life: day and night, tiredness and rest

Between two you oscillate in your life: between bodily lust and the lust of the soul

Two are enemies of health: deep sadness and mad love

Two are enemies of peace: greediness and envy

Two are the enemies of society: the traitor and the lazy

— Source: Incognito

7 simple methods to achieve success in life

Source: http://www.jamesaltucher.com/2016/03/started-bottom-now-im/
Tips for success
  1. Study hard when you’re young
  2. Work hard when you’re older
  3. Never shy away from making connections
  4. Leverage your network for opportunities
  5. Life 10% below your means -> save 10% of your income
  6. Don’t foster any addictions (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling)
  7. Don’t fall for scams

Those really are “proven steps”!

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