Remote Relatives

Oh Remote Relatives….I got some relatives living outside, some here, some there, some in Honolulu and some In Zimbabwe.

But hey, I am not talking about them. I am talking about something like that:

“I know that that that that man told me is a lie.”

πŸ™‚ Perplexed? it is simple to understand, it talks about that, and how that that is a lie, don’t you approve with that? πŸ˜›

So what is God?

How many times have you really though of “What is God” by yourself?

Maybe you tried many times but you were afraid then you remembered what others tell you about God.

Let me ask you, do YOU know God by yourself? Or you know God through what others told you? Be that your holy books, teachers or schools?

You have to make sure that you can only know about something when you experience it, not when you read or were told about it.

For some, God is the almighty creator, who loves us all and takes care of us, answering all our prayers.

For others, God is not one, but a group of intelligent beings (you can name them aliens) that created us through biological engineering and through crafting our DNAs delicately.

As long as we follow what others say about God, we will always have confusion, fear and instability and doubt in our mind.

So, what is God?

Geometrical Love

Who said that geometry is for scientists only? πŸ™‚

Have you ever heard of Love Triangle or Love Rectangle for example?

A love triangle is a romantic relationship involving three people, where each person is involved with another in a way.
It can be two people loving the third, while the two hate each other. For example a girl had to choose between two guys, one who is so nice with good a character, while the other guy is a wild and outlaw sort of character that is daring and adventurous.
It can also be where person A loves person B and person B loves person C, however transitivity does not apply (as it applies in mathematics), meaning person C cannot love person A or else we would have homosexual relationship! πŸ˜›
In general love triangles are not stable relationships and can lead to murder or suicide when unresolved conflicts arise in this relationship.

Now there is what is called “Love Rectangle”, it is when four people are involved in a relationship. It can ben two girls in love with two different men, but then later on, they happen to swap boyfriends and a new relationship get formed.

And last but not least, it is worthwhile reading about the “Triangular Theory of Love” at Wikipedia.

See also:

Quality of Love

I have long felt compelled to talk about the quality and kind of love that we, lay people, have experienced.

The people in a relationship love

This can be a boyfriend/girlfriend, this can be a love affair, something of that sort.
Usually this sort of love is governed by fear of losing the lover and mostly by jealousy.
We think that if our lover loves another person then we will miss our share.
In that relationship, we see love as a divisible entity, as if when consumed somewhere else we will feel some lack.
I would not call this as love, because this love is tainted with fear and with so many conditions and carefulness.
We try to hold our love and feelings and only share it when the right person comes or if our lover behaves.

Brotherly or Sisterly Love

This love is still conditional and only shared with our “brothers” or “sisters”. We only love those who are good with us. This sort of love has less selfishness to it, and more true love and a sense of sacrifice and genuine will to help the others within our circle.

Parental Love

Parental love is the kind of love that a mother or father share with their children.
This love is governed by self-sacrifice, by protection and by care and gentleness.

Parents often forget themselves and only focus on their children.

Unconditional Love

It is the “unspoken” love. We rarely have the chance to experience what this love is.
We cannot image that we could love people and share our love while there will still be plenty of love for everyone.

This love does not know color, selfishness, desire or any sort of interest. This love is invading, it goes to all the people that we see without any discrimination.

That sort of love has been practiced by saints, sages and masters of old times and contemporary times.


There are many sorts of love relationships, and it is up to us to animate this love with selfishness or with selflessness. May all the sages inspire you so that you become a channel of unlimited and unconditional love.

A sense of gratitude

It is said that one can never appreciate the gifts that God gave to him unless one loses them.
It is also said that one should look into other’s miseries and see how much God has been grateful to him in comparison to others.

In that respect, one find himself many times plunged into pleasure seeking (in all sorts) on the expenses of the other(s), doing the impossible to get what one wants and never considering the other(s).

It is our selfishness that drives us to misery,
by wanting more than by giving,
by desiring more than sacrificing,
by greediness more than generosity,
by taking care of ourselves more than look out for the others,

Sometimes you realize…Sometimes you get awakened and you see yourself how much you want, you need, you you you you, and at that moment you remember that it is not all about YOU. It is at that moment that one should stop and change his heart. It is at that moment that one should feel a sense of gratitude towards his creator who put him in situations that helps him realize.

May the moments of realization be many in your lifes, and may you be accompanied by the light, wisdom and acceptance of others, dear Reader.

My favorite prayer – The prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi

Ever since I learned this prayer, and when I feel overwhelmed, I recite it.

This prayer is by Saint Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

I am not a religious person, and I would not call this a prayer, I would call it a message for us to follow, a way of life. Thank you Saint Francis.

Addiction, Oh Addiction

Addiction Addiction Addiction,

How intelligent you are,
You come disguised in many forms,
Your happiness is my misery,
You block my vision and give me sweet things,
You make me forget that your sweetness is only temporarily,
You make me desire things out of my reach so that I suffer,
You come to me day and night and distract me from reality,

Oh Addiction, You look like a wolf disguised in sheep,
You sound nice, We defend you, and then we fall,
You even bribe our minds so that we defend your purpose,

Oh Addiction, Go away, Go away, Go away.

When I say I want to do it, then I do!

Notice how many “I” are in that title, and notice how many “I” you say when you’re talking with your friends or when you’re talking with yourself or even when you just writeΒ  a note of some sort.

“I” sometimes appears the center of the “universe” and in fact this “I” is the center of your universe as long as you are self-centered and selfish.

Most of the time people become angry if we tell them: “Hey, you are selfish!”, and the only reason they react like that is because that is a painful fact.

Today we are not going to discuss about selfishness or selflessness, rather we are going to scrutinize this “I” and how it works.
From the next line and on, you are required to take special attention of the “I”s you see in the text and of the date and time when the narration occurs:

Saturday night: You are in the restaurant with your friends, and you see nice food, but you remember you’re on diet, however for this night you say to yourself:
“Fine, tonight I will cheat but starting Monday I will resume my diet”
Later that same Saturday night, you remember that you want to make use of your Sunday fully, so you say:
“I want to wake up early tomorrow and I want to do all sort of activities, so let me set my alarm to 8am”

Sunday morning: The alarm yells at you, and you wake up lazily and remember that you said that you want to wake up early, but then you say:
“Nah…I don’t feel like it, I want to sleep”

(Are you still paying attention to all the “I”s?)

So what is happening? You see the contradiction?
Perhaps you never give it much attention, but this contradiction occurs all the time, you say one thing and you change your mind the next moment.

It is only because there is not just one “I”, there are many “I”s and in that example, the “I” of Saturday is not the same “I” of Sunday morning.

You have to realize that we are not ONE, we are to consciously “fight” to become one with ourselves.

If an example helps you understand better, you may imagine that “I”s live in your mind separately in different compartments, and each “I” comes forth only in certain times and circumstances.

Monday morning: “Oh, today I am on diet as I promised myself”
Monday lunch time: “Oh, nice food today, I want to try it”

Again, we have the “I” in the morning before meal, while the “I” in the lunch time is still sleeping. When lunch time comes “I” of the morning goes to sleep and “I” of lunch time awakes and wants to eat!
How lovely they are, those “I”s work in shifts, what a luxurious life they lead, ironically better than ours.

This “I” concept has always been there, hidden and encoded, in the scriptures, gospels, mythologies (depicted as soldiers and warriors), so it is nothing new.

If you have more interest in the nature of the “I”s and how to unify them, you only have to start observing yourself and become more aware.
For a more structured approach then studying the works of G.I Gurdjieff and his pupil P. D. Ouspensky would help you alot.

I rest my case! (pun intended)

Cracking the password

The subject of this article should be: “Saying the right things”, but it wouldn’t have be as a catchy title, no? Well now read on:

Have you ever stood in front of a system where you are asked to enter a password, and if you don’t guess then the system blows up or alarms would set off and you will be torn into pieces by guard dogs?

Of course not, you see that only in movies. Maybe you haven’t been literally into such situations, you’ve experienced something similar, so let me illustrate by an example.

Whether you know it or not, almost daily you are in “Saying the right things” situation.
Be that with your boss: you want to make sure you’re polite and saying the good things about him.
Or be that with your friend, even girlfriend or boyfriend, where you must to some extent always think and formulate what you’re saying to-the-word, or else some neural connections will change in the recipient’s brain and you will start to experience totally new behaviour from their part.

I am not saying to let the words flow out as you breath in and out without auditing them, however why the constant fear of being misunderstood, or even worse, correctly understood but then sentenced to death afterwards?

Have you noticed how sometimes people, no matter how close they are to each other, are just waiting each other to do just one mistake?

All it takes is just one “bad” word and then everything is changed after that.

But why? Why do we wait each other around the corner?

I can think of many reasons, but one main reason is much evident: because we are not in accordance with ourselves.

Say for instance that you tell someone close to you (I won’t ask you to do this to a stranger):
“Hey you’re ugly” or “That dress is aweful” or “I hate your nails” in a serious tone then no matter how much know that person, you won’t be treated the same by that person afterwards, not to mention the instant reaction!
Why? Because that person is already repeating his own mantra in his/her head: “Oh, I am looking okay today, am I beautiful? No I am not, I am ugly” and just in the right moment you ignited his/her internal conflict, and now you have became the sole reason for his/her misery.

Let me share that story with you:
The other day, it came to me to that I should “destroy” a friend I was chatting with.
No, not just another karate trick or stuffing a bomb in her mouth or something…but instead just uttering certain negative words that might trigger the defensive and reactive part of her. And guess what? At first, she wasn’t even caring (that was her protective system rejecting all the words), then little by little, words started touching her and she really became aware of all her protective aspects. I asked her to focus on what part the protection is, and she said that her mind is trying to defend itself and preserve certain ideas and false believes, then I stressed her not to protect herself, and slowly she started to really feel sad and in contact with her worst fears. After an hour long session, I was afraid that I might lose my friendship with that girl, but she turned to be strong and she even now love me more and became more open to me, she told me that she feels unshakable and more in contact with her trueself.

As they say: “Reading things is not like experiencing them”, one day will come and whatever you are defending will collapse and you will taste the freedom from fear.

It is worth mentioning that Lord Shiva from Hindu mysticism is known for his destructive properties, that is, he destroys all the limis within a person, if you’re curious you know what to do.

Silence: The sign of acceptance

Do you know the origin of “Silence is a sign of acceptance” ?

In this article, we are going to discuss some feeling that we all experience when we are about to either stay silent or reply/take action in a certain situation.

The question is: “Would you explain yourself or you accept being silent?”

Sometimes circumstances present themselves where you are misunderstood, or did something wrong or whatever thing that requires your explanation. Then you think “the more I talk the more complex the situation would become and if I keep silent then they would think that I am guilty and that I accept my misdeed”.

It once happened to me, actually it happens all the time, where I had the choice to either explain myself or remain silent; I remained silent and experienced a rush of thoughts racing each other trying to reach my mouth and tongue before my mind could even catch them. All they wanted was to defend me even if I did not consciously ask for their help.
I noticed a thought pattern like this:
– What if they take this or that image of me?
– What if I am not accepted anymore within their circle?
– What if what they think I really did what they thought I did?
– Hey, I am innocent, don’t get me wrong people…

At that moment, I stepped back and asked those thoughts “why are you worried?” Why are you concerned about what they think of you?
Then suddenly, relief swept my entire being as a new wave of realization and understanding filled me: “Worrying will take me no where, and whatever happens will happen for my good, I simply don’t want people who are condemning as my acquaintances”.

We may spend a huge amount of time thinking and worrying about what others are thinking of us, however we spend less time reflecting on how we think about ourselves

Good guys meeting bad guys

How often have you asked yourself why being a nice guy isn’t helpful in a relationship and why playing a bad guy actually creates some sort of attraction?
This question is often asked and many had speculated answers either based on their experience with thousands of dates or by simply pondering about the matter and reading some books or conversing with girls. In this small essay we shall delve into some aspects and points as to what is a bad/nice guy and what differs between the two. Continue reading “Good guys meeting bad guys”

What I like about Jesus

I am not a religious person per say, and that poses a big question as to what does it mean not to be religious, and my answer to that comes later on.

Now, what I like about Jesus is his character and the way he conveyed his messages through the gospel.

He used stories. Yes stories were the key point in the gospel.

You can understand the story any way you want, depending on your level of maturity, but when you grow a little more, you will discover that a story that you loved and advocated your ways, simply turned out to be condemning you and how you lived.
And Jesus conveyed his message by writing between the line, making sure that you uncover only what you are ready to understand.

I am sure that if the gospel condemned all people right on then it would have not been so popular. But ask the scholars the true meaning of your favorite story told by Jesus and then tell me if you still like that story that much or you will change your ways and learn more from its true meaning.

All in all, I love that technique of conveying messages, although the conveyer will appear as a kind hearted and simple person at first, but the more the audience analyze your story the more they will discover how much more you meant and wanted to invoke.

Disclaimer: In no mean this article is a fact in anyway, it is merly a reflection by a mere mortal. Oh crucial judging humans and defenders/advocates of Jesus: please forgive my blasphemy.

Hello, I love you, let’s get tested for aids

I heard this song time ago, but not all what you see and learn can be put into practice or be reflected upon immediately.

Let us get back to the title: “Hello, I love you, let’s get tested for aids”

So what does that title mean?

It means that nowadays relationships are shallow, and what does shallow mean? It can mean many things on many aspects and levels, but to be strict to our topic, it simply means that guys and girls just meet to make sex without regarding to different aspects of human relationships.

Is it worth it to ask why such cases happen? Definitely! But not today, not today.

Now is such relationship good or bad?

As usual, there is nothing “good” or “bad” by its nature, what makes it “good” or “bad” is how we apply that thought.

If you just want to have such a shallow relationship, then that’s fine, but what is also important is if the other person wants that.
And by “if the other person wants that” we mean that no body is shall be lured or tricked into such thing.

How many times a girl wants emotions, and a guy tricks her and give her emotions, just to get what he wants? Or Vice Versa?
So basically, that is not good, because each want a different thing and mostly they are LURING each other.

The girl plays all sort of tricks to get emotional attention and the guy plays his tricks to get his sexual attention.

Now the BIGGEST question, how would the person feel when s/he discovered that s/he has been lured?

Oh by the way, if you want to listen to that song then google for Weird Al.

Should I call it “Spiritual” Addiction?

We know that a certain addiction hurts but we can’t resist it.

He who smokes, knows he will get his lungs burnt out, but is willing to take another puff…
He who drinks, knows about the massacre happening to his brain cells, but longs to escape from reality…
He who loves, knows that his love is an illusion, but still longs for the lover…
He who over eats, knows that he can’t solve his problems by eating them up, but he wants to eat more…
He who gambles, knows that he’s losing his soul, still hopes for the best…


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What if?

What If

Today I was in a bad mood and just for one time I decided to embrace that feeling and not escape from it.

I realize that this bad mood springs from inner thoughts, inner expectations, inner fears, waiting for things, hoping, dreaming and fearing of the future.

I came to ask myself:

– What those who love me stop loving me for a reason?
– What if all what I got is lost and I am with nothing?
– What if what you’re waiting and counting the days for will never happen?
– What if you wake up one day and you are bankrupt?
– What if you lose your beloved ones?
– What if you become homeless and have to beg and sleep on the streets?
– What if you are doomed to stay alone for the rest of your life?
– What if the world is against you and you feel guilty and yet you will never get your justice?

Can you for a moment take each question, sending it deep to yourself and wait for a response?

What do you feel?

Is it fear? Is it sadness? What is your soul trying to tell you in response to all those questions?

For just one moment, don’t try to analyze, explain or make sense, instead just observe and be a good listener and see what your soul wants.

The white pigeon

I was sitting the other day, next to work, exposing myself to the sun, after spending most of the time in the office, then
I happened to look around and the first thing that came to my sight was a small white pigeon.

I was not in the mood that day, and I reacted saying: “what a stupid creature it is…”

After saying that, I felt guilty as if I did something terribly wrong, but all of the sudden I felt as if something has awakened inside of me. It was a gentle voice telling me to stop these negative thoughts.
At that moment, more sadness filled my heart, making me realize that I was not fair with that pigeon. And with a sudden movement, as if the
pigeon felt that I was sorry, it flew away accepting my sorrows, only to lead my eyes to another saddening sight: a blind beggar waiting for a kind person who would give him some food or money. Continue reading “The white pigeon”

Fear is the mind killer

I was watching “Dune” movie the other day, and the hero (Paul) was put to a pain test, and in order to take all that pain he recited this wonderful pain “mantra”:

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

I was surprised to find something about this quote as well on Wikipedia: