Today’s Reality…Sad but true…

Sometimes, chain emails are educative. This time, the video talks about the today’s reality with respect to friendship, love, health:

Please watch the video and feel free to share it with others:

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How to prepare yourself before traveling from the US to Belgium

Belgium is a beautiful country. It was my second home for a while, I lived there for 3 beautiful years after I moved from Lebanon. I moved out of Belgium almost 6 years ago to start living in the U.S.A. Last month, I had to go to Belgium for work and it seems I was not fully prepared for the trip.

This post is not to complain about anything but to remind myself or others how to be best prepared before traveling from the US to Belgium.

You can keep the tips…to yourself

Yes, unlike the U.S, you pay exactly for the item price on the menu. You don’t have to tip anyone for the rendered service. I am not just talking about not tipping when you are eating out in restaurants; even your barista, cab driver, your hair dresser, your apartment cleaner, etc. Keep the tips to yourself or tip up to your discretion. That’s a positive thing in my opinion because those workers are getting a proper salary and not waiting for tips from clients.
In the US, you are expected to tip 20% of the total bill. Often times, when a party of 5 or more are being served then mandatory gratuity is applied. It can get very tricky and passive aggressive when you don’t like the service and you don’t tip enough. That sucks and is unfair towards the workers. I think the tipping mentality stems from the fact that it incentivises service workers to provide good service. If they do well, they get a fat tip. Well, if you are generous and happy you can still tip a Belgian waiter on top of his proper salary. Continue reading “How to prepare yourself before traveling from the US to Belgium”

Learn from…

  • From the mountains, learn highness and glory
  • From rivers and fountains, learn generosity
  • From rocks, learn to be strong
  • From the absent and not manifest, learn silence and reverence
  • From ants, learn hard work
  • From pigeons, learn serenity
  • From the fox, learn intelligence
  • From the rooster, learn early rising
  • From the lion, learn courage

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The benefits of Onions (Arabic edition)

:اشتروا البصل وكلوه مهما أرتفع ثمنه


p style=”text-align: right;”>-
حتى لوكنتم في شهرالعسل كلوه يقول الدكتور داود الربيعي صاحب الموسوعة العربية للعلاج بالاعشاب الطبية
كتبت عدة مقالات عن البصل وفوائده الغذائية والعلاجية 
وكلما قرأت تقريراً جديدا 
تحمست لكتابة المزيد عنه . 
ولما كان الحديث عنه يطول كثيرا فقد أرتأيت كتابته تحت عنوان هل تعلم : –
هل تعلم أن البصل من أغنى الخضار والفاكهة بمادة طبية مهمة تسمى الكوريسيتين ولا ينافسه بذلك سوى براعم نبات القبار .
وهل تعلم بأن مضاد الأكسدة (الكوريسيتن) في البصل تقاوم الالتهابات Inflammations حيثما وجدت وخاصة في الجيوب الأنفية والرئتين .
هل تعلم بأن تناول البصل يمنع تطور مرض السكري من النمط (2) الذي يعالج بالأقراص إلى النمط (1) الذي يتطلب حقن الإنسولين .
هل تعلم بأن البصل يحول بإذن الله تعالى دون الإصابة بسرطان الثدي ، البروستات ، الرحم والمبايض وكما يمنع نمو وزيادة عدد البقع ما قبل سرطانية precancerous lesions
هل تعلم بأن البصل يقاوم هجمات الربو .
هل تعلم بأن البصل يحمي الخلايا العصبية من التلف وما ينتج عن ذلك من أمراض مرتبطة بالجهاز العصبي .
هل تعلم بأن البصل يحول دون تلف الأوعية الدموية وإصابتها بالتصلب ويمنع حدوث الكثير من امراض القلب .
هل تعلم بأن البصل يعزز وجود وتكاثر البكتيريا الطبيعية في الأمعاء مما يحسن امتصاص العناصر المغذية، يعزز جهاز المناعة ويمنع انفلات زيادة الوزن المفرطة
هل تعلم بأن البصل يقتل كثير من انواع الجراثيم في الحلق والرئتين .
هل تعلم بأن البصل يميع الدم ويمنع حدوث الجلطات وخاصة عندما يكون مشوياً وأنه يحذر من تناول مميعات الدم الصيدلانية مثل الأسبرين والورافين مع البصل المشوي أو المقلي وذلك لأنه يسبب زيادة مفرطة في ميوعة الدم .
هل تعلم بأن البصل يخفض الضغط الشرياني لدى مرضى الضغط .
هل تعلم بأن البصل يجلب النعاس .
هل تعلم بأن البصل يمنع نمو جرثوم القرحة المعدية H. Pylori ويقضي عليها .
هل تعلم بأن البصل يخفض الكولستيرول والدهون الثلاثية .
هل تعلم بأن البصل يحول دون حدوث الأمراض المترافقة مع مرض السكري .
هل تعلم بأن البصل يمنع تكاثر فيروس الإيدز .
هل تعلم بأن البصل يمنع حدوث هشاشة العظام .
 هل تعلم بأن البصل يحتوي على كميات وافرة من المركبات الكبريتية التي تحافظ على نضارة البشرة وقوة وجمال الشعر والأظافر.
ملحوظات : -
يقول المثل الشعبي :-
 ( كل بصل وأنسى ما حصل )
 فعلا يعمل البصل على تحسين المزاج ويريح القلب ..
القشور الخارجية للبصل هي الأغنى بمضاد الأكسدة الكوريسيتين ..
لا يفقد البصل خصائصة الطبية في درجة الغليان .
وشوربة البصل نموذجية للحصول على جميع ميزات البصل .
جميع ما ذكر أعلاه هو خلاصة مئات الأبحاث العلمية التجريبية .
اللهم بارك
.. إن أمكن نشرها لتعم الفائدة للجميع .. جعلها الله في ميزان حسناتكم ..


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A universal grace prayer

Back in 2007, I went to India to do Dyan Yatra (a spiritual trek/pilgrimage to the foothills of the Himalayas to visit ancient temples). We were a group of 120 people traveling in 4 buses containing 30 people each. We would drive to the foothills of a mountain range, then hike up around 8 to 10 km to reach a small village and the temple we wanted to visit. We would sleep in the village and hike back down the next day and resume our pilgrimage.

One day, we got stuck in a village because of a landslide blocking the road. We stayed an extra day in the village and this is when I befriended an Indian who’s both a homeopathic doctor and a Yogi. I had an extensive chat with him and he ended up teaching me a few handy spiritual practices. One of the things that I still remember and practice to this day was the prayer he taught me to say before eating. It is akin to the Christians’ grace prayer that is recited before food is consumed.

If you follow my blog, you may have noticed that I love two things: Prayers and Stories. Anyway, his version of the prayer goes something like this:

Oh my creator and God, thank you for this food. May this food nourish my body, may it be converted into blood and energy that I can use to help and serve others.

This is a very short prayer and is almost devoid of any religious affiliations. It is not a Christian prayer, it is not a Muslim prayer and it surely not a Buddhist or Hindu prayer. It is a simple remembrance that we are grateful for the grace we have in our life and how we intended to return this grace by serving others.

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54 sayings about life and relationships

  1. First learn to listen, second learn to judge
  2. Nature gave man two ears and one mouth so that we listen more than we talk
  3. The treasures of the thieves goes back to the kings
  4. Do not offer salt or advise to those who never asked for it
  5. One hundred washes do not make the coal white again
  6. The tired can sleep on a pillow made of rock and can find rest. The lazy sleeps on a feather pillow and can’t find rest
  7. If you were right then no need to raise your voice
  8. Do not befriend those who are shy to announce your friendship
  9. The origin of all good is knowledge and justice, but the origin of all evil is ignorance and darkness
  10. A Tyrant cuts the tree to get the fruit
  11. During the storm, the fishermen befriend each other
  12. When the eagle is sad, he calls the owl “my brother”
  13. One cannot argue when it comes to colors and taste
  14. He who asks for a friend without a flaw, remains a person without a friend
  15. He who helps others so people can see him, cannot help anybody behind the scenes.
  16. A 1000 miles trips start with a single step
  17. Like the water flows back to the ocean, so good deeds go back to the benevolent
  18. It is easy to be a human being, but it is hard to be a man
  19. Success is a ladder that you cannot climb with your hands in your pockets
  20. A small hut to laugh with family and friends is better than a castle where we are lonely and sad
  21. After a good meal, have a nap. After a good dinner take 40 steps
  22. There’s nothing in life to be afraid from, but there are plenty of things worth understanding
  23. Water can wash away almost everything except for a bad tongue
  24. Duties are ligther than a feather but heavier than a mountain
  25. Keeping the head is better than keeping the hat
  26. The home is turned upside down when the cock is silenced and the chicken starts singing
  27. A hand washes the other hand, but both hands wash the face
  28. Do not spend a big part of the discussion talking about yourself and life with acquaintances, instead ask about them and their lives
  29. When there’s so many captains, the ship sinks
  30. If you do good to others, make sure you don’t mention that. If others do good to you, make sure you remember their favor.
  31. Do good to your friends so they appreciate you more. Do good to your enemies so they become your friends.
  32. Justice sleeps sometimes, but it never dies
  33. To become a master, first you have to become a servant
  34. The man loved most the things denied to him
  35. My advise to you is to get married: if you find a good woman, you will have a happy life. If you find a bad woman, then you will become a philosopher
  36. We are all born crazy, except that some stay crazy.
  37. If a woman speaks, then shut up. If she stops, then talk. You better not talk.
  38. Marriage is our last chance for us to grow up
  39. It is not the lack of love that makes a marriage miserable, but it is the lack of friendship in marriage
  40. Love: a temporary insanity that can be cured with marriage
  41. Two roosters were living in harmony until the chicken showed up
  42. Banging the head into the wall brings nothing but swelling
  43. If you saw your neighbor’s beard catching fire, go and wet yours
  44. A bad knife cuts a finger but not wood
  45. A book is a good friend, but unfortunately, its only defect is that it is bought with money
  46. Forgive your enemies but never forget their names
  47. One man in the house is better than ten in the street
  48. A man falls in love with through his eyes and the woman through her ears
  49. A man cannot live because of beauty, but is ready to sacrifice himself for beauty
  50. The mother spends twenty years to make her boy a man, till another woman makes her son a fool in twenty minutes
  51. Sorrow can be a bridge to happiness
  52. He who could not stand being taught for one hour, stays ignorant for ever
  53. Do not become curious about other people’s business lest you hear what you don’t like.
  54. We can understand life if we looked into the past, but we cannot live fully unless we look forward

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A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction.

Memes make rounds on the internet and this time, I received this quote:

A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction.

The first thing I did is make sure that this quote is really attributed to Oscar Wilde and it was indeed.

I totally agree with his quote especially in this modern age.

It is hard to find a young woman that is not obsessed about makeup or how she looks. In fact, these days there are less and less true things about a woman’s appearances. Consider yourself lucky if you find a natural woman who is not riddled with insecurities.

Plastic surgery to make bigger breasts, asses or lips are but a minor subset of cosmetic surgeries that are conducted mainly to increase their sexual market value and appeal. Continue reading “A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction.”

Tools for your neck and back

If you work a lot on the computer and sit in the office most of the day then you are bound to start to develop some neck and shoulder pain. To remedy that, you have to take breaks every hour to stretch. Additionally, regular daily exercise is also important. I also found that looking at stereoscopic pictures can ease the strain on your eyes.

For when back at home and if you want to relax, I can also recommend the following two items.

Neck pillow

I have been using the Real-Ease Neck and Shoulder relaxer.

This pillow is travel friendly and helps release neck, shoulder and jaw tension. It retails for no more than 24$.

Inversion Table

I discovered inversion tables a year ago. I found one for 100$ and figured I can try it out. The inversion table takes a bit of getting used to but at the end, you might end up loving it and using it every day.

The benefits of an inversion table are numerous, let me list a few benefits that I personally experienced:

  • Refreshing and energizing: if I am sleepy, a few minutes on the inversion table refreshes me and gives me more energy
  • Relieves neck and lower back pain: by inverting, the pressure is taken off my lower back, hips and shoulders. My joints decompress and relax
  • Boosts blood flow to the brain: due to the inversion effect and being upside down, the blood will rush towards your head and thus oxygenating more of your brain cells

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The Ten Paramis

I learned about the paramis when I partook my first Vipassana meditation retreat. A parami is a good mental quality that one must practice and perfect in order to attain liberation.

The 10 paramis are as follows:

  1. Generosity, giving (dana): giving for the sake of giving.
  2. Morality (sila): lead a moral life and follow the 5 precepts
  3. Renunciation (nekkhamma): drop attachment to your personal belongs and lead a generous life. Give and volunteer whenever you can.
  4. Wisdom (panna): participate in wholesome learning. The ultimate knowledge and wisdom comes from within. Hence, practicing the insight meditation helps achieving true wisdom.
  5. Energy/Effort (viriya): conserve your energy and do wholesome activities. Work hard and earn your livelihood. Help others.
  6. Patience/Tolerance (khanti): replace anger and frustration with patience, forgiveness and compassion.
  7. Truthfulness (sacca): every action should come from a place of truthfulness. Prejudice blinds you from the truth.
  8. Determination (adhitthana): success does not come easily. Stay determined and remember that success begets success.
  9. Loving-kindness (metta): or self-less love. Practice loving without expecting anything in return.
  10. Equanimity (upekkha): nothing in life is permanent. Learn to recognize the impermanence and stay equanimous

May all beings be happy!

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The meaning of the Chariot and charioteers in the Bhagavad Gita

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna imparts to Arjun various important spiritual lessons.

If you have not read the Gita, then it is a good an insightful read.

In this blog post, I want to explain to you the symbolism behind the chariot picture in which we see Arjun, Krishna and the 5 horses driving the chariot.

Continue reading “The meaning of the Chariot and charioteers in the Bhagavad Gita”

The Maori Wisdom – Youth Talks – Age Teaches

Little dogs make most noise.
No one needs help to get into trouble.
The God of evil and the God of fear are good friends.
An idle young man – an unhappy old man.
Never be late to a battle to win it.
A piegon won’t fly into a wide open mouth.
Wishing never filled a game bag.
An obedient wife commands her warrior.
Beauty won’t fill te puku (stomach).
Today’s meal is better than tomorrow’s feast.
The brighther the clearing the darker the shadows.
Chase two Moas – catch none.
Time to dream when you are dead.
The widest mouth has the widest grave.
One rotten fish, one fresh fish – two rotten fish.
A warrior without courage has a blunt taiaha (spear).
Great griefs are silent.
A fine food house doesn’t fill itself.
No twigs on the fire – no flame.
A bad thing usually costs a lot.
A wise man knows both pain and joy.
The little wedge reduces the mighty Kauri.

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7 Rules of Life

  1. Make peace with your past so it does not disturb your future.
  2. What others think of you is none of your business.
  3. The only person in charge of your happiness is you.
  4. Don’t compare your life to others, comparison is the thief of joy.
  5. Time heals almost everything. Give it time.
  6. Stop thinking too much: it is okay not to know all the answers.
  7. Smile. You don’t own all the problems in the world.

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7 dangers to human virtue – Gandhi

The 7 dangers to human virtue are:

  1. Wealth without work
  2. Pleasure with conscience
  3. Knowledge without character
  4. Business without ethics
  5. Science without humanity
  6. Religion without sacrifice
  7. Politics without Principle

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Zipping all files in a Git repository


This is a quick / reference post illustrating how to archive (zip format) all the files in a branch in a Git repository.

From the command prompt, type:

git archive --format=zip -o master


  1. The “–format” argument lets you specify the archive type. I used the zip file format
  2. The “-o” argument lets you specify the output file name
  3. master” is the name of the branch to be archived.


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